39. How to Spot an Abuser with Dr. Dina McMillan | Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and for the entire month, we're raising awareness and speaking out against DV. In this episode, Dr. Dina McMillan shares how you can spot an abuser before committing to them. That includes exposing some of the manipulation tactics abusers use to lure and trap their victims. 

Dr. Dina McMillan is a social psychologist and internationally published author, public speaker, and content creator. She holds a B.A. from Hunter College in New York and both an M.A. and doctorate from Stanford University in California. Dr. McMillan is best known for her groundbreaking program for domestic abuse and violence prevention, Unmasking the Abuser. Since 2020, Dr. McMillan has also offered a comprehensive anti-bias program called Healing the Rift that directly addresses racism and issues that create friction and social division.

Dr. Dina recently released the audio version of her popular book, But He Says He Loves Me, as well as a new book called, Fascination with the Devil: Why Women Love Emotionally Dangerous Men. Information on all of her work is available on her website, www.drdinamcmillan.com.


In this episode, you'll learn:

  • Some of the critical features of abusers
  • The different types of abusers
  • The characteristics abusers look for in the people they target
  • Tactics abusers use to trap and manipulate women
  • How to tell the difference between a protective man and a controlling abuser
  • How to tell whether or not he really wants to change

    ... and so much more. Enjoy!

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233


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